THE WORD — Spring
Preventive Measures 101 in Bella NYC Mag - Influencer Issue
#AsSeenIn #BellaNYCMag Beauty Bella Magazine News Spring

Preventive Measures 101 is in the March/April Influence issue of Bella NYC Magazine on Newstands now!
Kissable Lips Need Protection All Year!
Cancer Fall Healthy Lips Lip Care Sexy Lips Soft Lips SPF Protection Spring Summer Winter

Ladies and gentlemen! When summer hits, most of us - even the people who like to “go tanning” - immediately consider the SPF we are going to use to protect our skin from UVB rays. No one wants skin cancer and if we can prevent it by using sunscreen we will. But how many of us think about that same level of care for our lips? We should, because the delicate skin of our lips are a common spot for cancer, and no one wants lip cancer. Of all the body parts that would be exposed to the sun, your...